Monday, January 25, 2010

Gio: In Progress...

I started working on this after watching THIS VIDEO of Gio Black Peter performing, and thought it was such an iconic look for him.

As usual, due to my own repressed emotions, his face isn't really showing much emotion (a common problem with my drawings).  I'm going to try to work on that, also maybe try to make it actually somewhat LOOK like him.  My neck started aching a bit and my stomach growling, so I'm going to put it aside for tonight and work on it tomorrow. 

**I think hot dogs and Pepsi...**


Draw For Joy said...

His body is very alike. But your Gio is more profound and meditative. I like him in this way.

Ray Avito said...

I think I might leave his face this way because I don't want to get nit-picky and totally mess it up!

Draw For Joy said...

Wright!You know something? The enemy of the "Good" is "The Better".