Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Back Alley Bojanek

"2000 crowns is a good deal.  I'm clean and I'm great at what I do," explained Bojanek.

"So, uh, why's that sign in English?" asked the client.

"Unplanned continent shift, I suppose..." replied Bojanek.

"And why aren't we speaking Czech?" asked the client.

"Google Translator is slipshot at best," replied Bojanek.


Michelle M. said...

He's cute. What's in the bags?

Ray Avito said...

Either trash bags from the business left in the alley or his victims' body parts, I'm not sure how psychotic he is. **Note to self: Stop watching so many Criminal Minds reruns...**

BOSSY said...

Just had to come check you out after reading your Urban dictionary comment on the web today, "Wikipedia's country cousin" -- hilarious.

Ray Avito said...

**laughing** Thanks, I do love that little place...